Step-Mom’s Home Cooking #3
Oh sweetie… my sweet step-son… today is the day that you are leaving back to college. This weekend has been amazing! 3 whole days of you and I enjoying each other’s company… you enjoying step-mommy’s farts in your face and mouth.
Just think, all of this might not have even happened if it wasn’t for that one day… the day you walked in the room and asked me what that smell was… and step-mommy admitted that the room was full of my stinky eggy farts… oh honey! I’m so glad we discovered how much you love step-mommy’s farts!
I’ve been preparing for today, I know our time is short and you have a flight to catch but I want to give you one more fart filled day before you leave. Step-Mommy wants to fill your nose and your mouth with her eggy farts. I want you to savor and devour each and every one… because it will be months before you get to see me and smell my farts again!